In 2017 Sarodis called on Hydrao as a sanitaryware manufacturer to develop an educational and connected rain sky with “Hydrao Inside” technology. At the end of this partnership, the product Yucca Hydrao x Sarodis was born.

The Yucca shower head effectively sensitizes children and adults and has an ecological flow rate of 6.6L / min (with its limiter) against 20L / min for standard equipment. This shower head is also connected and has a play of light which indicates in real time the volume of water consumed.

Cette innovation Hydrao x Sarodis a été reconnu en remportant le trophée d’argent de l’innovation lors de la cinquième édition de LA NUIT by Inoha.
Inoha récompense chaque année des entreprises adhérentes pour leur démarche engagée et novatrice dans quatre catégories :  l’innovation, la communication, le développement international et la RSE.

This Hydrao x Sarodis innovation was recognized by winning the silver innovation trophy during the fifth edition of LA NUIT by Inoha.
Inoha rewards member companies each year for their committed and innovative approach in four categories: innovation, communication, international development and CSR.

The jury clarified that water consumption is a major issue for the future and that the Yucca shower innovation is a fun tool to change consumption habits in DHW (domestic hot water).

Echoing this trophy, the Hydrao and Sarodis teams were able to present the innovations of the Aloé / Yucca connected and ecological shower to the Habitat press this Tuesday, January 28 at the House of Latin America.